No matter what you’re trying to do,
it all comes down to your audience.
Marketer, Writer, Guitarist, & Podcaster.
I feel like I am part of the generation of business and marketing professionals who have had to do a bit of everything.
As someone fascinated with the intersections of strategy, creativity, technology, and culture, I have leveraged what I have learned as a musician into marketing and business results for small businesses and global enterprises for more than a decade.
With a focus on the business’s target audiences, I have been able to win 3 prestigious marketing awards for global and regional integrated marketing programs. These projects brought together the business goals and competitive intelligence with the tools and tactics the organization used to deliver better customer experiences. bringing together marketing tools and tactics with competitive marketing insights to know what audience is out there, what opportunities exist, and how best to address them.
Never comfortable with doing things “as they always have been,” I regularly challenge the status quo with new tools, techniques, and technology. I also enjoy leveraging my performance background and love of public speaking to speak at several conferences and universities on music and marketing topics.
“Dave’s tactical knowledge of digital marketing fuels his strategy in any project. He’s able to see the 10,000-foot view down to the 1-inch view. This ability compounded with his creativity and patience makes him a great educator and leader. He has been instrumental in not only my education at 3M, but many others. ”
I recorded my first record in the historic RCA Studio B in Nashville when I was 16 and have performed live for just as long.
With experience composing for orchestral, ensemble, electronic, and band settings, I have released 3 records and continue to write, record, and release music.
Additionally, I run Beginning Guitar Online, a guitar lesson YouTube channel and website that is focused on helping new guitarists navigate the ocean of content on the web when they're just starting on the instrument.
My latest project, Enterprising Minds, is a podcast that brings together all my skill sets in audio production, writing, and marketing strategy. With two great friends, we discuss digital marketing, creativity, productivity, and artificial intelligence.
“Dave Dougherty is no doubt one of the best composers, writers, and musicians that I’ve met. He is a man of integrity and does great work on the projects that he undergoes.”